HAPI Membership
Looking to unlock exclusive deals, discounts, and rewards across all of Hapi's companies? Look no further than Hapi Membership – the ultimate platform for savvy shoppers and deal-hunters. With Hapi Membership, you can join any Hapi company membership and access a world of amazing perks and benefits. From earning loyalty points when you dine at Hapi Cafe or shop online at Hapi Marketplace, to accessing special offers when you subscribe to any membership plan with Hapi Travel, Hapi Membership is your one-stop-shop for all things Hapi. So why wait? Sign up today and start earning rewards every time you spend. With Hapi Membership, happiness is just a click away!
Hapi Cafe is a 4-in-1 concept cafe that combines food and beverage with co-workspace, Hapi Fit, and Hapi Trip.
Hapi Wealth Builder is an online wealth builder program that helps individuals build financial independence and achieve their goals.
Hapi Travel is an online travel booking platform powered by My Travel Ventures. Book your next trip at a better discount.